Hello. Here is some general advice on Kotlin Multi...
# general-advice
Hello. Here is some general advice on Kotlin Multiplatform computational speeds across Android and iOS. I have some computationally expensive code that calculates 9-10 million floats. I was able to get Android debug builds (from Android Studio) to compute this in 600-700ms on a real phone, an iOS build (Xcode) on a Macbook M1 simulator to compute this in ~1400ms, and a iOS build on a real 2018 6th gen iPad to compute this in ~16000ms. This is 25x Android!!!. Clearly this is not a cool user experience. I spent a whole day trying to fix this to no avail. The next day I built a proper archive of the app and uploaded it to Test Flight. I installed this build on the same iPad and the computational time was about 3000ms which is reasonably ok UX. So the general advice is that there is a 5-6x improvement in speed between "debug" and "release" builds on iOS.
Android uses the JVM, which will optimize loops on the fly.
If you aren't very careful, there's a very high chance that Android's jvm detected that some values aren't used and is skipping the calculations.
As part of spending a day trying to improve the iOS times, I prematurely optimized the code and reduced all times by 2x, i.e., Android was ~1300ms down to ~650ms, which was a good result.
However, the point I was trying to make is to be careful trying prematurely optimize your code on iOS because there is a 5-6x difference between the debug and release build.
I was actually wondering if there are some problems using
assignments to variables. I could try removing the
What do you mean by lazy assignments?
@Klitos Kyriacou I'm not sure how efficient having a
assignment is compared to a having a constant value. I'm guessing
will add some extra checks, hence extra cost, when I get the value.
I just realised that this #general-advice channel is for asking for general advice - not really for giving advice. I'm not sure if there is a channel for this. I'm not really asking a question, rather just warning developers that there is a 5-6x speed difference between a "debug" and "release" build on iOS physical devices so they should spend a day trying to optimize their code prematurely 🙂
Lazy is just a wrapper for a null check. Every access will check if null, then run the lambda if it is.
@Landry Norris That's exactly what I thought it would do but didn't really know. So I plan to check why this code is much slower on iOS than Android. I plan to rewrite the code in Swift to compare speeds to determine if it's a KMM thing or the iPad is just slow compared to my Android phone.
Looking at the timing and the number of loops, I'm not sure I believe the Android's actually running the calculations. Is this a practical example, or a synthetic benchmark? If the floats aren't used for anything, the jvm will skip calculating them eventually.
This is a practical example. I'm calculating streamlines based on wind data. The code calculates the location of point along a streamline. There are 9-10M points and are calculated and stored directly into a pre-allocated
. It would be doing this
null check 9-10M times - I'm not sure how expensive this is.
The c2 (java's most aggressive compiler) is really good at optimizing null checks, so they essentially don't exist when the c2 kicks in.
K/N is AOT compiled, so it doesn't get the same advantages as c2
Ok, but iOS might not optimize these null check?
iOS doesn't allow JIT compilers, so it can't optimize them as well.
I'd like to see a Swift vs K/N comparison, since Java JIT compiles.
Ahhh, I see. This is why I'm trying to manually optimize the code for iOS can run faster. I really don't know if it's the hardware difference or compiler difference. I can't imagine there is much in my code the JIT compiler can improve on - all values are calculated and sent to the GPU.
I am thinking of using the Metal Compute shaders on iOS to compute the streamlines instead but this is a lot of work.
Oh, I just had an idea. I can run the Android and iOS app on simulators on the same Macbook M1 - this should compare the apples with apple on the same hardware.
Android'll have some overhead due to qemu. On iOS, the simulator runs on the metal. Hence the 'android emulator' vs 'iOS simulator'
Hmmm, ok.
I might just release the app to testers and see if they notice the time it takes to generate streamlines.
Ok, this kind-of sucks. I tested the iOS simulator vs Android emulator on the M1. The iOS simulator took 1300-1400ms and the Android emulator took 400-500ms - ~3x faster.
I did find this thread on performance the other day: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C0346LWVBJ4/p1670314482552089
I still have one
call left in the code that generates streamlines so I might remove this too.