Hello, I had a recent question wrongly written at ...
# android
Hello, I had a recent question wrongly written at the gradle channel. https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C19FD9681/p1676456430686829 Does anybody have a clue or ever been trough something like this? Basically I have this transactions happening thousands and thousands of times
😶 1
Your question is also misplaced over here. Please check the channel description for android related resources. This is a workspace for the Kotlin programming language.
Apparently, general it is
But srsly besides knowing where not to @Chrimaeon, do you know where is the right place?
As mentioned above check the channel description. There a links to discords and so on.
Cool, no one knows, need to sulk trough 30+ channels, not even the gradle channel fits 🤷🏽‍♂️
Well, thank you
Well, this is the wrong workspace for such questions. There are not Android Gradle plugin specialist in here I guess.
I’m mildly annoyed by the situation, I’m glad someone answered. Otherwise this might gotten lost, at least now I can search some other source of knowledge.
Actually, I went looking more carefully. I was looking in the pinned messages and not the channel description, which before now I apparently never knew where it was.
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This channel is for Kotlin specific Gradle questions. For general Gradle questions, join the Gradle Community Slack → <https://gradle.com/slack-invite>
From the Gradle channel