Hey everyone! My team is attempting to use Realm i...
# realm
Hey everyone! My team is attempting to use Realm in our mobile web app; we're especially interested in the syncing (as I'm sure many people are). However, we have some specific requirements for audit logging in the database to comply with security. I've been searching for whether Realm supports audit logging for the local database and haven't been able to find anything definitive. In the code, I see some things about audit not being implemented yet, but I'm not sure if that is audit logging not being implemented. There seems to also be support for the Swift platform audit logging (not applicable for us). A related requirement is that we're also using NodeRed. I know that Realm has a NodeJS package, but I cannot seem to find a NodeRed node for Realm. Does anyone have more information on either of these topics?
We do have Audit support, but it is currently only available for Swift and not in an official capacity. I don’t think there are any current plans to make it officially available in all SDK’s. Right now it is more like on a “case by case basis”
But if it is something you are interested in. I would recommend reaching out to ian.ward@mongodb.com . He is our Sync PM.
Awesome! Thank you for the information. I will probably reach out as it is definitely something we're looking for
Do you have any info on a NodeRed node? For some reason, when I ask ChatGPT it seems confident that a
project exists, but I'm thinking it is just speculating as I can't find anything on the web to suggest that that is available.
We do support Node. I’m not familiar enough with NodeRed to say if there would be any interop problems.
That's all good. I appreciate your input on this