hi folks, i have a question about the usage of the...
# kotest
hi folks, i have a question about the usage of the kotest-bom. I was trying to harmonize the kotest version numbers in a maven multimodule setup and put the kotest-bom into the parent of that project. I have noticed that the bom does not contain all kotest artifacts (e.g. kotest-assertions-core-jvm is not there). In effect i had to define the mentioned dependency with the version number. Is it on purpose that the bom does not contain all kotest artifacts?
e.g. kotest-assertions-core is not there
are you sure? blob smile
what’s the error you were trying to solve?
ah sorry, i meant kotest-assertions-core-jvm
Maybe we could add platformspecific names as well. I suppose the BOM plays well with gradle but not maven
it’s intentional that the platform variants are missing from the
- they’re shared via the Gradle Module Metadata https://stackoverflow.com/q/73914158/4161471
@Emil Kantis yeah, some libraries add the
variant to the
of the unflavoured variant of each project https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.serialization/blob/4a7ada862186368d72086cf01c2359e118ee232c/gradle/publish-mpp-root-module-in-platform.gradle that shouldn’t need to be done in the BOM though - it’ll get picked up via the specific projects
(btw a ‘Maven project integration test’ would be another good use the maven-publish-test plugin in the Android integration test PR)
ok, thanks for the explanations 🙏🏾 i think currently the bom is of limited use for maven. i will then define the kotest deps in the dependencyManagemement of the project parent.
I think that’s the best solution for now @abendt
you could just copy+paste the BOM
, and do a find-replace to add the
suffix https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/io/kotest/kotest-bom/5.5.5/kotest-bom-5.5.5.pom
it’s a drawback of (pick your least favourite) Kotlin Multiplatform / Maven / Gradle that hasn’t been resolved yet