Does anyone know why Given an interface like: ```i...
# compiler
Does anyone know why Given an interface like:
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interface SynkAdapter<T : Any> : IDResolver<T>, MapEncoder<T>
An impl like this does not count as the aggregated type (SynkAdapter)
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class FooSynkAdapter(
    private val fooResolver: IDResolver<Foo> = FooResolver(),
    private val fooMapEncoder: MapEncoder<Foo> = FooMapEncoder()
) : IDResolver<Foo> by fooResolver, MapEncoder<Foo> by fooMapEncoder
You have to do this??
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class FooSynkAdapter(
    private val fooResolver: IDResolver<Foo> = FooResolver(),
    private val fooMapEncoder: MapEncoder<Foo> = FooMapEncoder()
) : SynkAdapter<Foo>, IDResolver<Foo> by fooResolver, MapEncoder<Foo> by fooMapEncoder
Surely if an interface is just a union of two other interfaces then implementing those interfaces should make it compatible? I’m sure there must be a good reason for having to be explicit?
Kotlin just isn’t duck-typed 🤷. To be a thing, you have to actually be the thing.
Just that it has the same methods does not mean it should be the same. Imho it is good that you need to be explicit, as Kotlin is not duck-typed.
Well I get why duck typing can be a bit too flexible, but in this case it seems to be quite different. Its not simply that my impl contains a function which has a signature which happens to match
I’m explicitly implementing the two interfaces which make up the composite
feels like we could use a new keywork
union interface
You want an intersection, not a union
Technically, you can make one, with generics
or that yes 😛
fun <A, B> doSomethingWith(a: A) where A: IDResolver<B>, A: MapEncoder<B>
It’s not possible to denote the intersection type outside of a generic constraint, though 😞
Well I’ll write the extra interface for now 😄, isn’t there work being done on union types? maybe this will extend to intersection types?
Yes, the ticket does cover both intersections and unions 😍
While I wouldn't expect that it would automagically have the
type with that change either 🙂
You could get close though, with a type alias:
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typealias SynkAdapter<T> = IDResolver<T> & MapEncoder<T>
Just that
wouldn’t be an actual type