What's the latest on when `5.6.0` might be release...
# kotest
What's the latest on when
might be released?
@sam? 😄
@Emil Kantis Any idea?
Sorry, I'm not sure. Kotlin 1.8 is probably a big chunk of work.. If we scope Kotlin 1.8 out of the 5.6.0 release I think we could put it out fairly soon.
It could be that Kotlin 1.8 is more suited for Kotest 6.0 either way, since I think we would need to add breaking changes for Native and JS targets
Thanks @Emil Kantis. +1 for scoping 1.8 out of the release, as I have 2 PRs on the Arrow project waiting for release of my Kotest changes to property testing functions to increase arity to 22.
sorry for delay,we'll get it sorted
Yay! Thanks!