Is there a library or sample in using the Ktor cli...
# arrow
Is there a library or sample in using the Ktor client with Arrow?
Oh you said client, this is a backend project. But still a lot of the same should apply. What exactly are you looking for?
I'm already looking at that... but like you said, it's backend... I'm just looking for some kind of Arrow wrapper for the main failures that could happen in Ktor client... like serialization, status codes, etc... it's probably not too hard to build, but I was wondering if someone already did it.
It's also a question of if a service is down, how is that typically handled in Arrow. I know there's something about CircuitBreakers etc... just wondering how all that looks when it's in place.
If a service is down, won’t that result in a normal http error code, which you can map to an error? Other than that, I don’t know such a repo, let’s see if someone else does
Here is what I've been doing in the few cases I need
.[…]e6f877f8855e95ebb/src/main/kotlin/alerts/github/GithubClient.kt I've also made an internal library at my previous job around dapr, maybe I can ask them to open-source it.
Thanks, that's helpful 😃!