I’m running `detekt` and updating a rule (custom),...
# detekt
I’m running
and updating a rule (custom), but the rule code is not the latest I have in the file. Any why I can force re-loading the rule when I run
./gradlew detekt
What is the output of
./gradlew detekt
? is it
? If so it seems like an issue in your gradle configuration or our plugin.
As a fast solution you can run
./gradlew detekt --rerun-tasks
What is the output of ./gradlew detekt? is it UP-TO-DATE?
No, it runs, but, for example, I had
statements in my rule, and after removing them, I can still see them in the terminal
Check with
and see if it works.
If it doesn’t work for sure is that
is not using that file. It could be getting the code from a maven server or something similar.
If it works it seems like an issue in your gradle configuration or the detekt gradle plugin.
How can the rule print out if not used? 🤔
It surely does use my rule since the prints have changed in time, and they are “update”, just not at “run-time” each time I change my code
Yes, it uses your rule but maybe you have the rule on gradle cache. Or you have a private maven repository and it is getting from there. I mean. That’s only if
doesn’t fix your issue.
I've found doing a
gradle --stop
to have fixed this problem for me in the past.
the stop worked, thanks
yea, this seems to be a persistent problem during development of custom rules. Something to do with things being cached in the Gradle Daemon if stop works? I used an Exception previously to debug something, removed the exception, changed the exception message, etc, but every time I ran detekt it was the original exception being thrown (and yes, I had set up my rule gradle project to build as a dependency of running the detekt task)