how to write a test for this class: ```class Task(...
# getting-started
how to write a test for this class:
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class Task(var title: String, bodyText: String = "") {
    var body: String = bodyText
        get() {
            return if (this.body.isEmpty()) "NO BODY FOUND"
            else this.body
    fun printTask() {
        println("Task: $title\n")
The current TaskTest.kt file:
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import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*

class TaskTest {
    val testSample1: Task = Task("Learn Encapsulation")
    val testSample2: Task = Task("Learn Encapsulation", "Encapsulation is good for reducing change")
    fun printTask() {

It’s hard to test this because
is an example of a function that operates via side effects — i.e. it does something, instead of returning something.
plus1 2
You could replace
with your own object that builds a string.
@mkrussel I cannot understand your suggestion. Can you elaborate a little bit?
I've not done this in Kotlin, but Java has You can use that to redirect
which the
function uses. You then create a
that takes an
, you can then convert those bytes to a String to validate the printing.
Then revert
back to the original print stream.
Possibly a simpler version of the same thing might be something like this:
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class Task(var title: String, bodyText: String = "") {
    var body: String = bodyText
        get() {
            return if (this.body.isEmpty()) "NO BODY FOUND"
            else this.body
    fun printTask() {
        printer("Task: $title\n")

    companion object {
        var printer: (String) -> Unit = ::println

class TaskTest {
    val testSample1: Task = Task("Learn Encapsulation")
    val testSample2: Task = Task("Learn Encapsulation", "Encapsulation is good for reducing change")
    fun printTask() {
        val output = mutableListOf<String>()
        Task.printer = { output.add(it) }
        assertTrue(output.contains("Learn Encapsulation"))
Easier to replace a
(String) -> Unit
function than the whole system output stream.
Not the sort of thing I would want to do in real code, but good enough for learning
I would probably go with making the printer a constructor argument versus changing global state.
💯 1
Yep, would definitely do that if I was going to use something like this for real
generally what applications do is use a Logger rather than printing directly to console. There are libraries that provide loggers, but you don't need a library as @Sam & @mkrussel demoed - the most basic logger I can think of is just a type alias
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typealias Logger = (String) -> Unit
So anywhere you want to print, pass in a Logger
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typealias Logger = (String) -> Unit

class Task(
  private val logger: Logger
) { 

  fun printTask() {
      logger("Task: ...")
      logger("Body: ...")
👍 1
and it's perfectly fine to print to stdout - so you can set that up as the default behaviour
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class Task(
  private val logger: Logger = ::println
that uses a function reference to
, so for every message it will just print to stdout
and then in tests you override the default logger to capture the log messages by, for example, collecting them into a list
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fun main() {
    // collect the log messages into this list
    val logMessages = mutableListOf<String>()
    // override the default logger
    val task = Task(logger = logMessages::add)
    // now we can access all captured messages
    println("captured messages $logMessages")
So that ^ will collect all your log messages into a list. Now each test can be run independently, and the logs won't be muddled up.
Here's a runnable example that I updated to use a more object-oriented approach, which I think is more readable. run in Kotlin Playground
By the way, if you are trying to access the backing field, you should use
. Otherwise this will cause an endless recursion and eventually a stack overflow:
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var body: String = bodyText
        get() {
            return if (this.body.isEmpty()) "NO BODY FOUND"
            else this.body
More details:
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I just offered to explain things like side-effects and how it impacts testability in a call 😛 might be more effective than slack messages
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I have ended up writing this. Is it OK? Task.kt:
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class Task(var title: String, private val bodyText: String = "") {
    var body: String = bodyText
        get() = field.ifEmpty { "NO BODY FOUND" }
    fun printTask(): String {
        val text: String = """
                Task: $title
            """.trimIndent().also {
        return text
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class TaskTest {
    val titles = listOf<String>("Learn Encapsulation", "Learn interface")
    val bodys = listOf<String>("NO BODY FOUND", "Interface is good for reducing change")

    val testSample1: Task = Task(titles[0])
    val testSample2: Task = Task(titles[1], bodys[1])

    fun printTask_NoBody() {
        val expected =
                Task: ${titles[0]}

        assertEquals(expected, testSample1.printTask())

    fun printTask() {
        val expected =
                Task: ${titles[1]}

        assertEquals(expected, testSample2.printTask())
👍 1
Is there anything more to test for this class, like
instance creation
of the class? I am new to this
I am using a String template in the
function. But when I change the template, I have to change it manually in the test class too. I have to change the template in 3 places. I know it can be better, but what to apply here is not clear to me (abstract class, interface, or something else). Can I do anything here?
I have tried to solve the "manually modifying String template" issue in this way: Now if I have to modify the String that gets printed, I can change it in 1 place and it reflects in other places. Task.kt:
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import java.util.UUID

class Task(var title: String, bodyText: String = "") {

    val id = UUID.randomUUID().hashCode()
    var body: String = bodyText
        get() = field.ifEmpty { "NO BODY FOUND" }

    init {
        println("Task created with ID=$id")

    fun printTask() =
        TaskPrintString(title, body).formattedString.also {

data class TaskPrintString(private val title: String, private val body: String) {
    val formattedString: String =
            Task: $title
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class TaskTest {
    val titles = listOf<String>("Learn Encapsulation", "Learn interface")
    val bodys = listOf<String>("NO BODY FOUND", "Interface is good for reducing change")

    fun printTask_NoBody() {
        val testSample1: Task = Task(titles[0])
        val expected = TaskPrintString(titles[0], bodys[0]).formattedString
        assertEquals(expected, testSample1.printTask())

    fun printTask_withBody() {
        val testSample2: Task = Task(titles[1], bodys[1])
        val expected = TaskPrintString(titles[1], bodys[1]).formattedString
        assertEquals(expected, testSample2.printTask())