What is the recommended way to handle multiple ani...
# compose
What is the recommended way to handle multiple animations with some running at the same time, and some running automatically when the first set of animations is finished? I have to animate an onboarding screen with two panels (A and B) with animationn roughly as follows: 1. Panel A slides from the left and panel B slides from the right 2. The content of panel B fades in (1 image and one text centered vertically) 3. The text of panel B fades out. The image goes to the top of the panel and stays visible 4. A new content fades in in B, with the same image at the same place at the top of the panel The only thing I can see for now is playing with delays in LauchedEffect and updating a target state for the animations but that doesn't seem clean
Using a
, you can calculate whether the animation is over in a
and then call-back to a completion lambda with something like this:
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val startTime = withFrameNanos { it }
do {
    val playTime = withFrameNanos { it } - startTime

    animatedValue.value = animation.getValueFromNanos(playTime)

    if (animation.isFinishedFromNanos(playTime)) {
} while (true)
Can these different steps be expressed as different
target states? If so, you could consider creating a
and using it in updateTransition. This way you could update `MutableTransitionState`'s
whenever the transition finishes.
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val mutableTransitionState = remember { MutableTransitionState(initialState) }
    updateTransition(mutableTransitionState, label = "...")
    LaunchedEffect(mutableTransitionState) {
        snapshotFlow {
            mutableTransitionState.currentState == mutableTransitionState.targetState
        }.collect { finished ->
            if (finished) {
                // change target to the next transition state
                mutableTransitionState.targetState = nextState
Yes, in a project I work on, we have a set of transitions that are triggered in order this way
That's interesting. Thanks for both feedbacks