``` ishtiaq$ kdoctor [✓] Operation System ...
# multiplatform
Copy code
ishtiaq$ kdoctor
[✓] Operation System                                 
[✓] Java
[✓] Android Studio
[✓] Xcode
[✖] Cocoapods
  ✖ System ruby is currently used
    CocoaPods is not compatible with system ruby installation on Apple M1 computers.
    Please install ruby via Homebrew, rvm, rbenv or other tool and make it default
Hi, anyone can help me out here, I’m trying to configure android studio for KMM, but getting this error, even though I have installed ruby with different commands like rbenv install 3.1.0 and made it default as well rbenv global 3.1.0 . And when try to build the project I’m getting
CocoaPods requires your terminal to be using UTF-8 encoding.
Thanks in advance.
I suppose you have to reinstall the cocoapods gem after the new ruby installation