Hello again everyone! I had recently asked for som...
# multiplatform
Hello again everyone! I had recently asked for some anecdotes on incorporating KMM into an existing and established native iOS and Android apps. I have gotten a lot of great feedback, so thank you all for that ☺️ I had asked this in the thread, but wanted to ask the group more broadly: is anyone using KMM in your product day-to-day? How large of a team/company you are at? How has your experience been with working with it?
This group has been super helpful and welcoming and I appreciate your feedback 😁 Thank you so much!
Hi Martina! You can have a look at our ATOM (A touch of multiplatform) podcast https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlFc5cFwUnmwVioGhKV0k9tscp2srFFdl on Kotlin Youtube channel or the case studies page here: https://kotlinlang.org/lp/mobile/case-studies/
Hope that helps a bit!
Wow these look great!! Thank you so much for the resources, this should help a lot blob big smile
You're welcome 🙂