Hi guys, do you know if in Accompanist's Pager it ...
# compose
Hi guys, do you know if in Accompanist's Pager it is possible to have 2 items per page? For example, if the list of images I'm showing has 10 images, in the first screen I want to show page 1 and 2, then swiping you go to page 3-4 etc.
You can't do that with Pager, but you can with via snapping fling behavior. Snapper supported this out of the box: https://chrisbanes.github.io/snapper/usage/#snapping-groups
In fact, you can do with via Pager, but you'll need to manually create a
for each page, placing
in the row
thank you very much!
Our new HorizontalPager from compose:foundation allows to have any number of items having the same width. see https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/pager/PageSize
@Andrey Kulikov have you considered enhancing the PageSize API to take into account the index of the page? i.e., have you considered allowing different pages to have different sizes?
no. we decided Pager will be optimized for the use case of each page having the same size (regardless of if the page is filling the whole screen, or not) . for other use cases it is recommended to use LazyRow + SnapFlingBehavior