Has anyone made a custom rule/does a default one e...
# detekt
Has anyone made a custom rule/does a default one exists that check for
statement orders? I’m looking to have all
of a sealed class/interface coming first, then the data classes, so my when(s) would look like:
Copy code
when (a) {
   object1 -> {}
   object2 -> {}
   object3 -> {}
   is dc1 -> {}
   is dc2 -> {}
And not with
mixed between all the statements
branches in a when expression are evaluated in the order provided; would be questionable to force an arbitrary order that may not align with the logic of the expression.
Can you explain better? The page says
matches its argument against all branches sequentially until some branch condition is satisfied.
Meaning that it try from the first until there’s a match, then stops, right?
that’s correct.
If I have a
sealed interface
3 objects
2 data classes
my instance will be either an object (only one), or a data class
I don’t see a problem in having some code order there 🤷🏼, trying to match object firsts, and then data classes
yes, but it can satisfy any number of conditions. For example, if classes implement several interfaces (A, B, C) you may have logic where
is C
is checked before
is A
. Also, performance may be a consideration - will often organize when expressions knowing that certain conditions are frequently hit (or not).
We don’t have that structure for now, so, do you know if there is a way or not?
No idea if there is a way. Suggesting it won’t be common or prudent for the reasons above.
Thanks 🙂
That's completely doable but as far as I know there's nothing like that implemented.
In general I prefer to group the when in a logical order. First loading state, the errors and then success. Or something similar. The problem is that a rule is difficult to umpteenth to do something like that. Is the same as keep the related functions together.
Any suggestions/hints on how to get started with that?
Use this template https://github.com/detekt/detekt-custom-rule-template and look at detekt for a rule that does something similar. In your case a rule related with
. Copy&paste that rule to your project and edit it until it does what you want.
In general is a really good idea to write the test first.
And I'm not a tdd fan. Tests first works really well with detekt