Is there a standard Kotlin-only solutions for para...
# getting-started
Is there a standard Kotlin-only solutions for parameterized tests? I normally use JUnit, however since adding Kotlin/JS as a target I'm looking for alternatives that work outside of the JVM. It doesn't seem like kotlin.test has any support for this, which is what I currently use for the few JS-supported tests I have.
if you're willing to switch test runners, I believe #kotest has data-driven tests and supports multiplatform. haven't used it myself though
If you're trying it right now, note that Kotest currently has an incompatibility issue with the Kotlin plugin, meaning tests results are not reported for JS. Hopefully it gets fixed soon.
The feature request for parameterized tests in kotlin.test is here:
We spoke about it in this thread: Did you end up using Kotest @CLOVIS, or did you use your custom expect/actual wrapper for JUnit and the kotlin.test workaround?
I'm currently using the expect-actual wrapper for now. I'm planning to extract it into a proper library in the near future, with proper `before`/`after` features based on coroutines (and maybe test parameterization, we'll see)
I'm still using Kotest for assertions.
that would be very cool - let me know if I can help 👍
The main idea is that `before`can be emulated with coroutines by storing the lambda and executing it lazily when a test starts using that test's coroutine context, at that point it can register its own cleanup. I wrote down a small example how it could look like here, don't hesitate to subscribe to the issue and give ideas of what it could become 🙂
It's inspired by discussing the wrapper solution with a colleague who's very into JUnit, I want an idiomatic Kotlin way to represent nested test suites and test preconditions
Thanks for the additional context here, will try to keep an eye on it. I don't think I have the resources to try and make anything too custom for my stuff, but hopefully a stable baseline comes together sooner rather than later. If it becomes a major need may try out your approach @Adam S, kudos for giving that a go.