I'm bumping up version in one of my Android projec...
# android
I'm bumping up version in one of my Android project. I see here https://developer.android.com/studio/preview/features#jdk-17 that I'm supposed to use JDK 17 now. But I'm confused 1. Do I set the kotlin toolchain to 17? 2. Am I supposed to also set the jvmTarget to 17? 3. Do I still need the
? 4. Does it mean I don't need desugaring anymore for java.time and the likes? I think I missed something, can anyone shed some light on this topic? Which is the recommended setup regarding the kotlin / java toolchain on an Android Project using the last AGP 8.1.0-alpha06 and Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Canary 6? Thank you
😶 1
@kenkyee asking about your not kotlin reaction: isn't this the #android channel?
and this is asking about jvmTarget version which kinda is kotlin related
I think I fall in the description "Using Kotlin to build Android apps". I wanna know if the kotlin compiler with jvm target 17 is going to produce Jar / Dex compatible with the devices
I don't think there are many things specific to android in "Using Kotlin to build Android apps" other than the build chain and maybe some library
Click on the info section up top. The kotlin compiler works fine with jdk17
I'm sorry, which info section? I only see 2 pinned messages Which say:
General kotlin behaviours that should work in anywhere but don't work (to be asked in #android )
Dex is one of the target for android and I'm asking if I can use jdk 17 and target jdk 17 for Android without issues on devices
yes and yes for 17..folks have done it
you're asking about whether jdk17 works
I'm asking if I can encounter runtime crashes on missing methods on some older device. Years ago I recall that targeting JDK greater than 1.8 kotlin used some feature of jdk that wasn't available on devices. One such example, if I recall, was
for Map. It would compile but than crash at runtime on devices where the jdk didn't have the method. This is just an example. I just want to know if this could happen setting target jdk 17.
that was totally different...you needed to enable desugaring. But several companies are using JDK17 already including Slack and Google.
This was before desugaring was a thing. And I enable desugaring only if I need it (ex. Using java.time). So what I'm asking here is: will the build targeting android do the right thing or do I have to enable desugaring everywhere? Cause apparently now we are forced to use jdk 17. If desugaring is mandatory why not including it directly in the build?
desugaring is only needed if you use Java17 code...if you only use Kotlin, it won't matter
So you are saying I'll have to remember which functions are not available in java 8 and avoid using them or enable desugaring. Example:
is new to java 11. It wasn't there in Java 1.8. As far as I understand it targeting java 11 or 17 tells the compiler that method is available. But at runtime, in Android, it will not be if there: https://source.android.com/docs/setup/start/older-versions#jdk Are you saying that kotlin will not map to any method after java 8 when building for Android and will know what to do? There's not much documentation about this nor on the Kotlin side nor on android side.
Kotlin compiler only targets JVM 8 and JVM11 bytecode. It doesn't really know about the Java language
you could also just test it...
Yes, bytecode, sure, but I'm not talking about bytecode, I'm talking about JDK and methods that are available on that JDK level. I sure can test it out. But I'd feel more confident to have some official statement on this.
Anyway, do you still think this is not kotlin? Cause that confused me, I don't want to be off topic, but at the same time I don't get how this is :-)
This channel is for helping the Jetbrains folks...for issues that Kotlin may have on Android. It's not a channel for general Android dev questions.
I see, than I'm definitely off topic. Do you know if there's a channel where my question would be in-topic in this server?
this entire slack server is for jetbrains
only the compose channel is a jetbrains/google combo for Jetpack Compose
Eh, it's the only server I know where sometimes you get answers from googlers :-) Thanks anyway! I'll look into it myself
that's because they take time out of their day and help folks sometimes...it's NOT an official channel
I know. I do the same thing over in the discord server you linked in the description of this channel. But there are questions that only them can answer.