Hello everyone :slightly_smiling_face: I’m using K...
# koin
Hello everyone 🙂 I’m using Koin in my own multiplatform project, and would like to use Koin Annotations. Is this supported when including a JS module? I get gradle sync/build error, and the examples for multiplatform dont include JS. Error stack trace is
Copy code
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':jsPackageJson'.
> Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ':jsNpm'.
   > Could not resolve io.insert-koin:koin-annotations:1.1.1.
No, koin-annotations sadly does not publish js artefact
Thanks. Hopefully something coming eventually?
I'd be curious to know what's blocking js support myself.
yeah, js side has limitations for now with Google KSp
something need to ask to #ksp team
Is there a tracker issue on koin or ksp repo for this?
What are the limitations exactly?
Array in annotations are not supported for Kotlin JS side
then module can have includes for example 😕