Hello, Kodein community! :wave: I’m wondering, wha...
# kodein
Hello, Kodein community! 👋 I’m wondering, what is your favourite Kodein feature or advantage? Why do you love using it? Especially compared to Koin DI, which is pretty much similar to Kodein in fundamentals and capabilities.
For me I can mention ConfigurableDI is pretty handy thing
Koin error messages leave a lot to desire especially around circular dependency issues. Much prefer using kodein.
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@Max Kachinkin How do you leverage
i.e. what use case does it solve?
Hey @rocketraman! My use case is to config (
) my DI in Android Initializers. It is from androidx.startup package. Separate Android module can have it’s Initializer and on creating itseft it can add it’s dependencies to DI
Something like this
Copy code
class MyInitializer : Initializer<Unit> {
  override fun create(context: Context) {
    val module = DI.Module("myModule") {
    ((context as DIAware).di as ConfigurableDI).addImport(module)
But It has its cost. Decoupling your code like this it’s even much easier to forget to add binding of something (as we don’t have graph integrity safety)
And what is your favorite thing?
Ah that would be great for a plug-in type architecture with
Not sure I have a favorite. It generally just works. Lots of integration points, customizability, easy and clean to configure (especially with the
function recently added, inspired by Koin), Seems relatively performant at startup time, though I wonder if KSP could help improve this even more in the future by moving some runtime init to compile time.
Oh, I found this
API that you suggested earlier! Thanks for this!) Yesterday I simplified my bindings with it.
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I even wrapped it with own wrappers 🙂 So instead of this:
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bind<Repository>() with singleton { new(::RepositoryImpl) }
I write this:
Copy code
bind<Repository>() with singletonOf(::RepositoryImpl)
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