Hi Can we use generated classes in original annota...
# ksp
Hi Can we use generated classes in original annotated class ?
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data class A(){
   fun b(): MyAnnotatoinGeneratedClass {
       return MyAnnotatoinGeneratedClass()
is a class that was generated by
Ofc i'm getting not resolved right now
This is a chicken and egg problem so no way to solve it without modifying existing code which ksp does not support.
You could achieve it with a full kotlin compiler plugin though.
I think it should work, no? Validation will fail though so you would need to skip validation
I would avoid such design if possible though
I know it's a deadLock 😬 , but wondering how they did it here , they used kpat i think
Multi-round processing in play I guess. Ksp kinda has that too but it might have different limitations. Do you get unresolved errors during gradle build or just in IDE? (never trust ide errors, always check if it happens when building from cli)
in the cli too , actually how i ended up here is bc i was using the generated code in the class , and it worked fine
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data class A(){
   fun b(): String {
       val c = MyAnnotatoinGeneratedClass()
       return c.process()
but when i used it as a return type i hit this wall
For your working case, it works fine because you have explicit return type declared for the function, and KSP does not care about function body expressions, so you are not getting error types because they are not touched by KSP. When you changed it to return type, you are getting unresolved because now KSP need to resolve the type for the yet non exist type. As Yigit suggested, you can ignore the validation part for now. In your case, I don’t have full picture of what you want to do here, but from the code snippet, it seems not hurt to just defer the processing of
data class A
to next round where (ideally) the generated class
should be available, am I misunderstanding anything here?
@Jiaxiang yes i'll give it a try , how can i ignore the validation for a fun/class i used
seams only for lintting
So, after reading your snippet again, actually maybe not about ignoring validation, in your processor, if you see unresolvable type (MyAnnotationGeneratedClass) in this case, you can just defer the symbol
with the return result of
, and therefore KSP will grab the deferred symbol in the next round, and if
is generated in the first round, it should be able to unblock the processing of
in second round.
ok i think i got it , i'm reading this https://kotlinlang.org/docs/ksp-multi-round.html#changes-to-your-processor i'll try to edit the processor
I got it working by ignoring the validation
Copy code
val validatedSymbols = resolved.filter {
    true // <--- ignore validation
as for multi round/deferring i'll give another shot later Thank you !