I get this strange type mismatch when I call `gtk_...
# kotlin-native
I get this strange type mismatch when I call `gtk_cell_area_foreach_alloc`:
Copy code
Type mismatch: inferred type is GtkCellAllocCallback /* = CPointer<CFunction<(CPointer<GtkCellRenderer /* = _GtkCellRenderer */>?, CPointer<GdkRectangle /* = native.gdk._cairo_rectangle_int */>?, CPointer<GdkRectangle /* = native.gdk._cairo_rectangle_int */>?, CPointer<out CPointed>?) -> gboolean /* = Int */>> */ but GtkCellAllocCallback? /* = CPointer<CFunction<(CPointer<GtkCellRenderer /* = _GtkCellRenderer */>?, CPointer<GdkRectangle /* = native.gtk._cairo_rectangle_int */>?, CPointer<GdkRectangle /* = native.gtk._cairo_rectangle_int */>?, gpointer? /* = CPointer<out CPointed>? */) -> gboolean /* = Int */>>? */ was expected
I really don't get what the issue is: it is expecting a
and I'm giving it a
. Does anyone have a clue of what the issue could be?
Solved! I was missing the cairo dependency!