I have a `List<Flow<String?>>` I’d li...
# coroutines
I have a
I’d like to emit the latest value from the first flow in the list - unless that value is null, in which case I’d like to move to the next flow. Does anyone know how to achieve this?
not quite sure what you mean. flows on their own don't have a "latest value" unless they're state flows
Sorry, I meant the latest emission
that only exists while you are collecting. does that mean you want to collect all of them at once, or something else?
you can easily create a single flow of all the non-null elements emitted by any of them, in parallel:
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merge(flows.map { it.filterNotNull() })
this of course does not reflect the ordering of the original list
I don’t know exactly what I want 😳 Maybe what I’m suggesting doesn’t make sense. I basically want the behaviour you’ve demonstrated with merge, but retaining the original order. I don’t think I want to ‘collect’, because I want to continue receiving the latest values if the flows continue to emit.
I want to continue receiving the latest values if the flows continue to emit.
This is what
does. I think you’re right, you’re not sure what you want. Let’s take a step back. What data is in your flows and what’s your use case? What are you trying to do?
This seems to do the trick:
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val flows: List<Flow<String?>>

fun getValue(): Flow<String?> {
    return combine(dataSources.map { it.getValue() }) { values ->
        values.first { it != null }
Perhaps I didn’t explain it very well..
I have a list of ‘data sources’, which each contain a function returning a flow, which can emit a string (or null). I want to return the latest non-null emission, from the first datastore in the list whose latest emission is non null
in other words, if an earlier datasource emits null, you want to switch to a later datasource?
From that description it sounds like the order of flows in the list is not meaningful, so it would make sense to merge them and filter null values
if these are functions (that only return once) the problem is much simpler
If an earlier datasource’s latest emission is null, switch to a later datasource
Ahh I see
I think I’ve solved it with the combine function. I spent a few hours on it, but it turns out the testing library I’m using on Android doesn’t work correctly with combine, and sometimes conflates emissions. So I was getting false negatives 😭
So I probably solved it a few other times in the 70 iterations I tried
Check out Turbine if it helps https://github.com/cashapp/turbine I’ve never used it but you can always ask about it in #squarelibraries
Yeah, turbine is what I’m using
There’s an issue with Turbine and Combine.
It seems to be a coroutines problem: https://github.com/Kotlin/kotlinx.coroutines/issues/2082#issuecomment-640621404 Probably my fault - I don’t think I’m using the correct dispatcher (test dispatcher). But I haven’t confirmed yet
What about
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flowOfFlows = 
  flow {
    listOfFlows.forEach {
      emit(it.takeWhile { it != null })
I haven't tried this at all, but if I understand your problem, this could be a solution. First change your list of flows into a flow of flows. Make sure that each flow ends/completes when null is emitted (return new flows that complete this way using takeWhile). And now that all inner flows complete, you can call flattenConcat to concatenate them all.
that does something different. if you have
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    flow {
    flow {
then the
method will produce "b", "a" while yours will produce "a", "b"
Ah... Yup, flattenConcat doesn't interleave.
if you did want to limit concurrency, you could build up a chained flow like
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fun <T : Any> List<Flow<T?>>.switchToFirstNonNull(): Flow<T> = foldRight(emptyFlow()) { flow, fallback ->
    flow.flatMapLatest { if (it != null) flowOf(it) else fallback }
that results in subscriptions to the later flows only when the earlier flows emit
. of course, this can result in repeated re-subscriptions to the later flows