Is reformatting: ```import kotlinx.coroutines.Cor...
# ktlint
Is reformatting:
Copy code
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope

internal abstract class MyParentClass(
    string: String

internal class MyChildClass(
    scope: CoroutineScope
) : MyParentClass(
), CoroutineScope by scope
to be:
Copy code
import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope

internal abstract class MyParentClass(
    string: String

internal class MyChildClass(
    scope: CoroutineScope
) : MyParentClass(
    CoroutineScope by scope
a bug? the error is
Missing newline after ","
and violates the
Tnx for filing the bug. Will have a look in coming days.
What is your opinion about formatting generic types having multiple annotations? Please provide your input in The remark of the issuer was that code below:
Copy code
data class FooRequestDto(
    val data: List<@Valid @NotNull FooDto>,
is formatted by ktlint as:
Copy code
data class FooRequestDto(
    val data: List<@Valid @NotNull
Of course it should be clear that I totally agree with that. In the issue, I have proposed to format this like:
Copy code
data class FooRequestDto(
    val data: List<
Please, add your remarks or counter proposals in the issue. Thanks!