Hi! Is there a way to implement actual part of a m...
# multiplatform
Hi! Is there a way to implement actual part of a multiplatform class in Swift? Sometimes I find it naturally to implement certain iOS tasks in Swift rather than Objective C API.
It's not possible. Instead you should define an interface and implement that in Swift if you want to go that route
@Gijs van Veen thank you. That’s the way I do it now - with the interface implementations. But this technique requires you to manually create the instances of the actual classes on iOS and Android side. expect/actual solves this.
Yeah it's not ideal. But Swift libraries are simply not available to Kotlin/Native so its either that or using the Objective-C api
Alas. It is what it is. I hope Jeteyes of Jetbrains to notice our discomfort.
I’ve seen projects that will add a
method with expect/actual that will create the proper Swift class that implements your interface. This allows you to avoid creating the instance manually, while still giving the flexability of the interface. The downside, of course, is that I believe you need 2 modules to avoid circular dependencies.
@Landry Norris I feel confused. How do these projects create a Swift class in Kotlin code?
Any public class marked with @objc can be used in Koltin.
What you’d do if you need access to a pure swift function is create a Kotlin interface in a core module, create a Swift framework that calls the Swift method and mark it objc, then import that framework into another module. You can call your objc compatible class from Kotlin.
Thank you so much. I think I need to learn how to import custom Swift frameworks in KMM projects.
There’s a way to have a swift module create a Header for objc compatible parts. You just have it create that header and treat it like an objc framework.
Thank you!
Do you know a good tutorial on integrating Objective C framework into kmm project?
Someone created this gradle plugin that helps with importing Swift code. No idea how to link the swift module against something.
Thanks! 👍
If you have the objc framework, you can also use a def file with cinterop normally.
Thank you!