I’ve got some function that can take one of severa...
# getting-started
I’ve got some function that can take one of several different classes, including classes that were defined outside of my code, but nothing other than those. let’s say it accepts
. I want to be able to exhaustively check which underlying class it is, and then use the underlying class. so I need to be able to statically enumerate all possible classes. my current solution looks like
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sealed class Wrapper<out T> {
    abstract val value: T

    class Int(override val value: <http://kotlin.Int|kotlin.Int>) : Wrapper<kotlin.Int>()
    class Boolean(override val value: kotlin.Boolean) : Wrapper<kotlin.Boolean>()
    class MyClass(override val value: MyClass) : Wrapper<MyClass>()

    // ...
is there a better way to do this, or a way to reduce the boilerplate? ideally I’d like some way to add another case, and “automatically” generate a variant for this class.
unless I misunderstand your question, you can't really use sealed classes combined with variants defined outside your code unless you manually add those in.
👍 1
do you need a wrapper class, or would creating function overloads for each argument type also work? So you'd have
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fun myFunction(value: Int) { }
fun myFunction(value: Boolean) { }
fun myFunction(value: MyClass) { }
@Adam S the code originally had function overloads, but I didn’t like that solution. the wrapper value was part of an
, so it had to keep repeating
override fun myFunction(...)
for each interface implementation. it meant adding another variant needed a new overload in each implementation, and the changes were not local to one area of the code