Was also wondering if there could be a `foo.valida...
# arrow
Was also wondering if there could be a
foo.validate { }
using optics to return an
Either<Nel<ValidationError>, Foo>
for validating data class hierarchies after they were deserialized...?
It could be used when
can't be used, because object instantiation isn't in the app code's control...
how would you envision it working?
Copy code
val foo = Foo(...)

val result: Either<ValidationError, Foo> = foo.validate {
   Foo.baz eq 20
   Foo.bar.bara.barb eq "something"
Each line that doesn't pass could be accumulated in the Left.
And if they all pass, Right is returned with Foo
Does this make any sense @Alejandro Serrano Mena? It's you that had the great idea to add
copy { }
... I just thought to use the same pattern for validation...!
the problem here is that usually to call
you don’t have a working value, you want to construct it when validation is successful
this may work with a prism, but would need a bit more work
you don’t have a working value
I'm not sure I understand...? I fixed up my example above, we already HAVE an instance of foo... we're just returning it if it validates.
Just like you run
copy { }
on an instance.
this may work with a prism
I really don't understand what a prism IS (or any other of these constructs except for setter and getter...)
And there's no tutorials out there that explain it apart from those docs being worked on...
I was looking at the Copy implementation, and was thinking maybe something like this might be easier/more flexible? Is this possible @Alejandro Serrano Mena?
Copy code
val foo = Foo(...)

val result: Either<ValidationError, Foo> = foo.validate {
   Foo.baz ensureThat { it == 20 }
   Foo.bar.bara.barb ensureThat { it.startsWith("something") }