Confused. I was going to start adding some `@Model...
# compose
Confused. I was going to start adding some `@Model`to my little demo learning playgrounds, but the IDE doesn't recognize that annotation. Nor does it offer an import. Is this something that is either too new or perhaps old/deprecated?
Where did you see this
That is really really old Compose concept if I remember correctly. Got eventually replaced by
but I never used it. I just remember it from the first presentation at Google I/O. That didn't even get to Compose 1.0 👴
So new, its date stamp overflowed all the way back to 2019(ish) 🙂
Oh damn, that’s hella old. Even this post from 3 years ago there’s someone in the comments asking “So... @Model annotation right now isn’t it working?“. Where did you even get this information Travis?
Thanks. That's what I suspected. I hate the internet. 😄
If you're a "new to the territory" guy, and you don't need to "transition" from MVVM or whatever and do halfway implementations, what is the story for bridging a domain model with one's app? Googling for this kind of stuff turns up so many of those "hella old" hits that you can't tell the wheat from the chaff
Just stick to official documentation imho. When you get the basics, you can start wildly googling 😅
I guess here's the bridge I'm struggling with: I've read (and reread) an official doc: I have in my mind a heirarchical object model that models my "domain" (real world agricultural devices) synced via BLE/MQTT. I don't get a clear picture when I read that official doc, how I'mg going to tweak my model objects so that recomposition happens when it ought to. Do I just start putting anything that changes in a LiveData and go that route?
Or is it as simple as "just use mutableState" in your domain model fields that would trigger changes?
Your previous message feels like a bit too much for me to understand and answer confidently. But for your last one, you can either save stuff inside MutableState directly. Or even a
where you then read it by converting it to state (with .collectAsState() or .collectAsStateWithLifecycle()) and yes, it should just reflect those changes in your UI. But again, I think that what Filip is saying is your best bet. Get familiar with the basic concepts first, and then it will be quite a lot easier to figure out the rest.