Hey! Guys, I want to get started with plugins dev ...
# intellij-plugins
Hey! Guys, I want to get started with plugins dev for IntelliJ. Any suggestions for me on how to get started? I already know Kotlin and have been developing android apps for almost two years.
Hi, take a took to this links, I used them 3 months ago to build my own intellij plugin : • official documentation : https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/welcome.html • intellij community sources : https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community • a guide : https://developerlife.com/2021/03/13/ij-idea-plugin-advanced/#simple-ui-components---notifications-popups-dialogs • an example : https://github.com/albertoventurini/graphdb-intellij-plugin
Thanks @PHaroZ, this is Awesome 😊