Hi everyone. I'm setting up a MultiPlatform projec...
# multiplatform
Hi everyone. I'm setting up a MultiPlatform project with two platforms (JVM and Android). And I have a common UI using Compose. Let's say I also have a function which reads an NFC card connected to the JVM machine/Android. For this, I created a
actual/expect fun readCard()
Now the issue is, the function needs 3 strings of keys to read the card. So, I made the code as
expect fun readCard(k1: String, k2: String, k3: String).
In addition to this, for Android, it needs a
object as well. Now, how do I pass it to the function. I cannot add the Tag as 4th argument because in common:desktopMain, it doesn't know about what Tag is and it doesn't need. Alternatively I can make it as
. But do you also think that is the only option or is there any better way?
Expect/actual tag too and require it for jvm actual too and just don't use it?
Although it sounds like a job for interfaces and DI
That Tag class is a part of the Android SDK. So, I cannot put that in arguments
You can. actual typealias on android, shell class on jvm
Although I'm not sure how you'd go about obtaining it on common. Maybe another expect provider fun?
Yeah. In common for expect function also I cannot add this Tag argument. Even for the provider, we have to declare the return type as well right.
Which would be your expect Tag
This code is in common module. Tag class not available here.
neither I can put as argument nor I can set as return type. That Tag class is available only in android module or in the common:androidMain
Copy code
// commonMain
expect class Tag

// androidMain
actual typealias Tag = android.nfc.Tag

// jvmMain
actual class Tag
Ohh.. that's neat. I failed to understand it without an example 😅. Thank you.
@Zeeshan Syed Is there a library for NFC?`Something like https://github.com/revtel/react-native-nfc-manager for react native?