I wonder if now there's better support for viewing...
# gradle
I wonder if now there's better support for viewing test results from a gradle multi-module project in Intellij?
I keep on having to run those tests module-by-module...
I tried putting this in the root project:
Copy code
tasks.named<Test>("test") {
    useJUnitPlatform { }
    testLogging {
        showExceptions = true
        showStandardStreams = true
        exceptionFormat = FULL
but it seems like it only runs one of my module's tests...
(I put the same thing in my
subprojects { }
block in the root too.)
If you run a test task in IntelliJ, it will show the test results for all modules in the same window
It doesn't for me... 😢
I'm wondering if I'm missing some configuration or something...
If you want to compare, it works for me on this project, there is run configuration called "Test" that runs all JS and JVM tests for all modules: https://gitlab.com/opensavvy/pedestal
You can clone it, check if it works for you with that project—if it does, you can figure out what you did differently, and if it doesn't I can help you find what's different with my setup
Thanks, I'll take a look!
Where is that Test configuration?
It's not in the root gradle file
Sorry for the delay. It's directly in the IntelliJ run configurations (top-right, the dropdown beside the run button). It should be called "test" or "all tests" or "check", I don't remember
Ah, it's called "All tests"
You defined that somewhere in Gradle?
Funny, I found it in the run gradle tasks dialog...
When you run it, you should see all test results for all projects in the IDEA window
Even in this dialog, there's something called allTests that I don't know where it's coming from...
It's from Gradle. It's created by the
plugin. If you use
or another variant it's probably just called
. You can run
./gradlew tasks
at the root of the project to find its name
That's exactly my problem, when I run that
gradle task on my root project, it only runs part of the tests, not all of them...
The funniest thing is that on the command line ./gradlew test runs them all...
Did you edit the
task in any way?
In the ide, no... I just used the gradle window to run test from...
It created the idea run task for me
Ok thanks! I tried creating that IDEA run cofiguration manually, and it works!
Boy, I had almost given up on multi-modules because of this!