Is anybody using apollo-kotlin with JS in producti...
# apollo-kotlin
Is anybody using apollo-kotlin with JS in production? We’re seeing some pretty bad performance. Building a fairly straight forward
takes order 45ms on a modern MBP in Chrome, and parsing parsing the response takes order 70ms. This compared with ~5ms to build the same
and ~2ms to parse it using the JS Apollo client. Are there tricks that folks know of to improve the situation? We’re considering just using
functions that are implemented on the JS side to make the GraphQL queries.
😮 1
This is in 1.8.0
Yikes that's no good! I was expecting some cost to all the Kotlin runtime but that's a lot... Pretty sure wasm would be faster but it's not for today just yet...
part especially looks loooong. There's nothing crazy going on there. Feel free to open an issue and we'll investigate this
I can open a ticket in a bit. I upgraded to 1.8.10 and things look a bit better, but still probably untenable for production. The runtime is just doing crazy things. It seems like WASM is still a ways off, but I wonder if we can help get that WASI lib built out to speed things along… These screenshots give a sense of the
building (and request making) process.
I put up an issue with a little sample project here LMK what ya’ll think of my (inelegant) idea to shell out to the JS client.