I am not able to build the native target for a sim...
# multiplatform
I am not able to build the native target for a simple test project with Kotlin 1.8 and jdk11 (works with jdk14) -- it fails somewhere near
(KonanProperies) Downloading dependency
https://github.com/robstoll/tutteli-gradle-plugins/actions/runs/4317951918/jobs/7535659775#step:4:443 the build.gradle looks as follows (copied once from a project which was built via New Project in intellij):
Copy code
kotlin {
    jvm { }
    js(LEGACY) { browser { } }
    def hostOs = System.getProperty("os.name")
    def isMingwX64 = hostOs.startsWith("Windows")
    KotlinNativeTargetWithTests nativeTarget
        if (hostOs == "Mac OS X") nativeTarget = macosX64('native')
        else if (hostOs == "Linux") nativeTarget = linuxX64("native")
        else if (isMingwX64) nativeTarget = mingwX64("native")
        else throw new GradleException("Host OS is not supported in Kotlin/Native.")

    sourceSets {
        commonMain { }
        commonTest { }
        jvmMain { }
        jvmTest { }
        jsMain { }
        jsTest { }
        nativeMain { }
        nativeTest { }
Is this a known issue or should I create an issue?
Looks like failing tests
The test is about building the project with kotlin 1.8.0 on jdk11 and it fails due to a failure during :compileKotlinNative -- looks like a regression at first sight as it works with kotlin 1.7.0
Does this happen if you run the same task locally? What does the test report say?
happens also if I run it locally, nothing more than already shown in the output. I am going to create an issue https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/KT-57086/building-mpp-project-with-native-target-fails-when-updating-to-kotlin-1.8