Is `Modifier.pointerInteropFilter()` implemented y...
# multiplatform
implemented yet? No luck importing it.
it exposes Android's MotionEvent, how would that work on other platforms?
humm I see, I didn’t notice that. Well that was my last resource to tackle this: I have tried a couple of ways but no luck. I guess I gotta keep digging into code/documentation
My goal is to make a predictive back kind of functionality in a composable so it could be available in iOS too. It is working ok but when I place the predictive-back composable within a Pager or Drawer it always steal the first fling. By the time I remove the pointerInput it is too late.
If you can find an equivalent on other platforms, like with nativeCanvas, you can expect/actual a modifier extension. I did this with nativeCanvas in the past for low-level control in shared code.
honestly I am not sure if the .pointerInteropFilter() would help to fix my problem. I just wanted to give it a try. For now I am thinking of asking if there is a Pager in the composable hierarchy and remove the functionality. But not sure if that is feasible in compose.