hello. I am facing a "possibly" simple issue. How ...
# kotest
hello. I am facing a "possibly" simple issue. How would i initialise the class under test before each test run in a ShouldSpec test? I have a test like the one below but i do not know how to correctly initialize the
. I don't want to change the isolation mode as i would like to do some other data loading once upfront (to feed the engine).
Copy code
class EngineTest : ShouldSpec({

    val engineInput = loadExpensiveInput()

    // does not work and lateinit is not available
    var engine: Engine
    beforeEach {
        engine = Engine(engineInput)

    should("be ready") {
        engine.ready shouldBe true
solved 1
This way is how it is usually done if you want to have a new engine for each test
@Davio Which way would that be?
Well, what is your goal? If your goals is to initialize the engine for each test, then putting it inside beforeEach is usually how it's done
where would i store the variable to reference in a test?
i don't want to make it nullable
You can use lateinit here for Engine
unfortunately not because lateinit is only available for class properties not for regular vars (as is the case in the block here).
Eeuhm, it works in my code?
Ok, you are right. it was an error on my side 🫣
This specifies that it does also work for local variables
indeed. thanks for bringing that up again 👍