Hi! We've added arrow-optics to our project and as...
# arrow
Hi! We've added arrow-optics to our project and as we used more and more, we often started getting build failures when files with
are moved: it seems there are some issues with gradle build cache (either local or remote) — old entries in
are not being deleted an conflict with newer generated declarations. Did you have some reports like this, perhaps there's a bug I could track?
Do you have any other KSP things on the classpath? This sounds like a KSP related issue, not
. I've never heard of it before but I don't use remote Gradle cache.
from my experience, KSP is quite brittle to removing things, in many cases old files are not removed
currently arrow-optics is the only thing using ksp.
thanks, I will look into ksp bugtracker then.
Another issue we've noticed is that for some users, files which use Arrow-Optics cause IDE (Android Studio) to report some error a-la: "IDE internal error: syntax highlighting is disabled". But I failed to reproduce this one, will report if I'll have more details, for now it's unclear if arrow-optics is a true cause, but it's usage seems to correlate with this error.
"IDE internal error: syntax highlighting is disabled"
There is a couple of issues related to this opened on the YouTrack for the Kotlin plugin as well. I'm encountering this in code not using KSP or arrow-optics as well 😕
I see! I came to ask because our devs experience this friction after adding arrow-optics, and on the one hand we love this library and on the other they tell me: let's limit it's usage until these issues are resolved. A bit sad that it's not arrow-optics' fault and can't be quickly addressed because of this.
Is everyone experiencing these issues? Are you working in AS, or IDEA? I know they've been making a lot of changes recently, and IIRC Kotlin plugin is now baked into IDEA. Miss-match between IDEA plugin, and Kotlin version can create some issues. At least that's what I've experienced in some cases. Not sure if miss-match with KSP version can also be related to this issue.
Looking at my IDEA, I am on
Kotlin version, so it's not a stable release Kotlin version even 😕
We are using Android Studio (Electric Eel → stable), Our project is using
and ksp
. Kotlin plugin version is
So a newer one, yep.
Is everyone experiencing these issues?
Several people (including myself) definetly experienced issues with broken compilation due to issues with
dir, but only one developer so far reported issues with syntax highlighting errors. We are using both gradle local + remote build cache. I will keep an eye on this and will collect errors and stacktraces to investigate a bit deeper in ksp + youtrack as you've suggested.
You mean these windows, right?
Screenshot 2023-03-03 at 14.00.28.png
yep, exactly!
We tried to find them in idea.log, but so far failed to pinpoint it: too much logs 🙂
Normally I get an "report issue" window, but with this issue I haven't seen that window anymore.
my team is seeing many android studio errors like those mentioned here however we are on the bleeding edge using ...
Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Canary 8
Build #AI-223.8617.56.2231.9687552, built on March 3, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.6+0-17.0.6b802.4-9586694 x86_64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
macOS 12.6.1
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 2048M
Cores: 12
Metal Rendering is ON
Non-Bundled Plugins:
com.android.aas (3.5.1)
Copy code
'com.google.devtools.ksp' version '1.8.0-1.0.8'