Looking forward to trying Compose Web/Canvas on th...
# webassembly
Looking forward to trying Compose Web/Canvas on the Wasm target (Kotlin 1.8.20-Beta). Is there a publicly accessible repo with ready-to-use libraries? Currently I'm getting:
No matching variant of org.jetbrains.compose.webweb core1.4.0-alpha01-dev958 was found. The consumer was configured to find a usage of 'kotlin-runtime' of a library, preferably optimized for non-jvm, as well as attribute 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.platform.type' with value 'wasm'
More details here: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/C01F2HV7868/p1677883524077679?thread_ts=1660083398.571449&cid=C01F2HV7868
🎉 2
The only public working example of a Wasm + Compose configuration that I'm aware of, can be found here: https://github.com/JetBrains/compose-jb/tree/wasm-jb/experimental/examples/falling-balls-mpp
branch of experimental Falling Balls.
...keen to know if you find any other good references; they're understandably not being promoted the moment.
Thank you for the hint! Seems like it depends on project-internal artifacts, but i’ll have a closer look.
Yeah; It has changed since a few weeks ago. I had a stripped down version that just had the Wasm target in it, and that's stopped working because the
based artifacts have been removed.
Ok, just checked out the new source and it still builds and runs 🙂
Note you need to run it in Chrome with experimental GC flag enabled.
Otherwise I would be using it for my canvas test, which remains JS for now.
Should be possible to get your counting grid working on full WASM I think; let us know if there are any sticking points 🙂
I‘ll try to get back to that later. Could be tomorrow for you, though. 🙃 I’ll keep you posted. 👍
Finally got that counting grid to run on full Wasm (with a custom compiled compose-jb on the wasm-main branch). In an example scenario (25x25 grid, highlighting recompositions), the frame rate improved from 40 FPS (K/Js) to about 60 FPS (K/Wasm). 50% faster. 🎉 For reference: JVM desktop speed on that (slow) machine is 112 FPS. The picture changed when turning on animations (vertically sliding digits): K/Js at 14 FPS, K/Wasm at just 4 FPS – 70% slower. 🤔 Other takeaways: Configuration is hard, as we suspected. Libraries lack Wasm targets (I had to stop using kotlinx.datetime). But
still works with K/Js and K/Wasm! So stuff is moving fast and in the right direction. Once I'll see text fields starting to work properly on canvas, things are going to get serious. 🚀😃
@Oliver.O I cannot find the Kotlin/Wasm target on your GitHub project. I guess you haven’t published it there?
No, this is not published currently, as it is hacked into the
project, which is not that quick&easy to set up. I could of course publish a fork, but that would be out of date pretty quickly, and people would have to specifically look up the
branch, so I guess usability is too bad right now to do that. Maybe a better option would be to just be patient and wait for a compose library including the
target to appear, and then update the counting grid project to use it. I'll reconsider if there is demand.
yes, no worries I am sure Compose for Wasm will appear pretty soon
Correction: The results above were in part comparing apples and oranges (different Compose versions). Also, the initial Js FPS rate reported above was a bit too low (my machine always has its own agenda). These are more accurate numbers (25x25 grid, highlighting recompositions, animations turned off): • Compose 1.4.0-alpha01-dev958 Js: 43 FPS • Compose 2023-02-24/wasm-main Js: 47 FPS (+9% vs. 1.4.0-alpha01-dev958 Js) • Compose 2023-02-24/wasm-main Wasm: 60 FPS (+28% vs. 2023-02-24/wasm-main Js, +40% vs. 1.4.0-alpha01-dev958 Js) With animations (vertically sliding digits) turned on: • Compose 1.4.0-alpha01-dev958 Js: 14 FPS • Compose 2023-02-24/wasm-main Js: 14 FPS • Compose 2023-02-24/wasm-main Wasm: 4 FPS (-70% vs. Js)
@bashor Just wondering whether you or @Igor Yakovlev might be interested in exploring the above frame rate drop between Js and Wasm. Should I push my example to GitHub for you to look at?
@Oliver.O yes, please
Cool, will do.