I have a class `A` that's part of a library that I...
# flow
I have a class
that's part of a library that I'm writing that is getting pulled into a sample app through Gradle. `A`'s constructor contains parameter of type
is a subclass of
When I import the library in my Android app, I see in the decompiled code that the parameter is listed as type
SharedFlow<out B>
. The compiler is complaining that it is looking for
but I'm providing
. While I loosely understand generics, I don't understand what is happening here. Can anyone explain?
Two thoughts: 1. You might have a better chance of getting help on this using a different channel, given this doesn’t really come down to a question about Kotlin Flow 2. Sharing some code may help people understand the situation you’re in and better be able to help you
Thanks Kevin. I've identified the root cause, my project was managing transitive dependencies improperly. As you noted, I unfortunately did not post enough info here to be able to resolve the issue. I will post more carefully in the future. My hope was that this was a typical error when working with flow parameters, but that turned out not to be the issue. On a side note, in reading through old posts, it seems clear that I should be passing as a
and not a
unless I need to use the replay cache based on this conversation: https://kotlinlang.slack.com/archives/CRJCTR5PD/p1625556094048000?thread_ts=1625493055.046500&amp;cid=CRJCTR5PD