I've got 2 coroutines making a network call. call ...
# coroutines
I've got 2 coroutines making a network call. call A and call B. I want to know 3 things: 1. When a completes 2. When b completes 3. When both a AND b completes is there an easy way to do this with coroutines? I know I can use awaitAll to wait for option 3, but I also want to do stuff when A and B are done separately.
My "use case" I have a screen where I want to show results of network call A (a song title) and then I have network call B which is the artist name for the song. Doing that is pretty easy. Call both network calls in parrallel and whichever one of them is done, then I just show that info on the screen. But the issue is that then I also have a last thing that I want to show on the screen ONLY when getting the song title + artist name becomes available. I can only really think of doing this with some saving some field of like networkCallADone and networkCallBDone and I would check both of those fields after both network call A was done and after network call B was done. This seems inefficient because I might have to add a 3rd network call in the future.
If you want to stay at high level (which I suggest) you can use flows, like this: https://pl.kotl.in/dYXD-CtnQ If you want to go lower level, you can use the select statement directly: https://pl.kotl.in/8xXplrEiz
Why not simply:
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coroutineScope {
    launch {
        val title = fetchTitle()
    launch {
        val artist = fetchArtist()
can it be that simple? maybe i need more sleep. but yeah that looks right, except that showThingAfterBoth() needs title and artist to be passed in.
If you need the title and artist, you can turn the `launch`es into `async`s instead, it would still be rather readable, albeit slightly more complicated
hm. Let me see if I can figure that out once im back at my computer.
I meant something like:
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val (title, artist) = coroutineScope {
    val deferredTitle = async {
        val title = fetchTitle()
    val deferredArtist = launch {
        val artist = fetchArtist()
    deferredTitle.await() to deferredArtist.await()
showThingAfterBoth(title, artist)
It's not terribly beautiful, but you get the idea.
for this case I use this second if you really want to know all these states with async 🙂 not sure it's the best
Yeah depending on the number of async and data you need out of those coroutines, a
definitely isn't the best, for instance. Probably a proper data class becomes necessary pretty quickly.
this is also the case of withContext also all of them have different use case scenarios
I’d actually suggest to use flows and emit enums/sealed classes to signal what’s going on. And then move your UI updates to
Yeah I'd probably prefer this approach too