Dear all, what is the canonical way to install `ko...
# getting-started
Dear all, what is the canonical way to install
on Windows (w/o IntelliJ)?
What about installing Gradle and applying Kotlin plugin? You can use Gradle to build your project and any text editor (even Notepad) to edit your code.
Actually, build systems are made just to simplify installing and usage of programming tools (including compilers and dependencies). And they are IDE agnostic.
I want the pure experience 😉 Anyway. Thank you for your input
You can also use But I would not do this. Create a gradle or maven-project and declare kotlin in there.
👍 1
I'm on Windows; so no sdkman for me; but that would be my preferred solution/way to go, TBH
If I rely on maven, I would also need to install the exec plug-in...
I'm on Windows; so no sdkman for me; but that would be my preferred solution/way to go, TBH
Actually, second paragraph on SDKMAN! installation page is about installation on Windows (via either WSL, Cygwin, or Git Bash, yeah, but still). If I was you, I would try WSL.
yes, there are ways to shoehorn sdkman "into" Windows...might check out WSL, though
🙏 for your suggestions