Is there a way to combine multiple `ComponentStyle...
# kobweb
Is there a way to combine multiple `ComponentStyle`s into on
? And is that even something I want to do? I have
and now I am creating some specific component that should have this shadow. Is my only option to combine modifiers in the composable?
You can listOf them together and convert the list into a modifier
If you want one component style to always include another as a dependency, you can also use the extraModifiers field for that. Use that with more caution but let me link to an example, one sec
If you want one component style to always include another as a dependency, you can also use the extraModifiers field for that
That's what I wanted to do initially but I need to be in Composable context to convert style into modifier.
Oh! I see 😄
Yeah, it was only added in the most recent version, but there's a callback version of extraModifiers now that's Composable
Sadly, I am using version 0.12.0 😕
In general, though, I try to share modifiers across component styles, for maximum flexibility if I need to pivot later.
I think Compose 1.3.1 is coming out very soon, so 0.12.1 should follow shortly after
Sorry you got caught in 0.12.0!
Downgrading to 0.11.11 might not be too bad -- just set Kotlin to 1.7.20 and Compose to 1.2.2 and it might just compile as is
I've tried that (and other combinations) but 0.12.0 was the only version that compiled. I think that it's because I have 3 sources of compose runtime - Android, Kobweb and Molecule
And I have 3 platforms (Android, iOS, web) with a few multiplatform libraries. It took me few hours to find working combinations so I don't want to go through that again anytime soon 😄
Ah wow
Ok well for you I promise I'll prioritize a 0.12.1 release! It will require Kotlin 1.8.10 though I believe
Thank you but no need to rush. I will have to wait for all my dependencies to be compatible again 😄 But hopefully Kotlin 1.7 -> 1.8 was the hurdle and now it will be smooth upgrade
Good to know! Yeah I get the feeling 1.8 was a pretty big change under the hood.