What's the preferred way to see if a kotlin instan...
# kotlinx-datetime
What's the preferred way to see if a kotlin instant is greater than 7 days away?
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 * Check if [this] is more than 7 days in the future compared to [from].
fun Instant.isMoreThanSevenDaysAway(from: Instant, timeZone: TimeZone): Boolean {
  val sevenDaysFrom = from.plus(value = 7, dateTimeUnit = DateTimeUnit.DAY, timeZone = timeZone)
  return this > sevenDaysFrom
I think this would get you what you need?
alright so just using > is enough to compare. I was intially doing ~
just uses
. It should be fine
7 days away can mean two things: • in 24*7 hours • at midnight on the 7th day (between 24*6 and 24*7 hours, depending on timezones and the current date) The first is just
yourInstant > clock.now() + 7.days
I don't know from memory how to do the other one, but keep in mind which one you want
is always assumed to be 24 hours which fails to consider daylight savings time.
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     * Time unit representing one day, which is always equal to 24 hours.
To properly make this comparison the addition must be sensitive to timezones (and therefore daylight savings time). kotlinx.datetime handles this with
which is not time based, it’s a day based metric where a day can be 23, 24, or 25 hours.
See the docs for
in kotlinx for rationale.
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     * A date-time unit equal to some number of calendar days.
     * A calendar day is not considered identical to 24 hours, thus a `DayBased`-unit cannot be expressed as a multiple of some [TimeBased]-unit.
     * The reason lies in time zone transitions, because of which some days can be 23 or 25 hours.
     * For example, we say that exactly a whole day has passed between `2019-10-27T02:59` and `2019-10-28T02:59`
     * in Berlin, despite the fact that the clocks were turned back one hour, so there are, in fact, 25 hours
     * between the two date-times.
    @Serializable(with = DayBasedDateTimeUnitSerializer::class)
    public class DayBased(
now.daysUntil(instant, timeZone) >= 7