what is the correct way of replacing a route in co...
# compose
what is the correct way of replacing a route in compose navigation? Like:
Copy code
stack: [A, B, C] -> [A, B, D]
I use
for this. Something like
Copy code
navController.navigate("D") {
    popUpTo("C") { inclusive = true }
Not sure if there's a more idiomatic way.
You might be able to create an extension function
replaceWith(route: String)
that pops up to the current route.
that's the one I use too, but it looks (aesthetic) so hacky. Hmm, thanks, I'm gonna keep with it then
Yep, you are removing C, navigating to D, so that's exactly what you write.
Maybe mentally it makes more sense to you to replace “popUpTo(“C”)” with “popUpTo(“B”)“, so that it reads like: “Pop to B, and then navigate to D”. instead of “Pop up to C, and also get rid of C, and then navigate to D”. I wonder if these two are functionally equivalent in all cases btw. If it was me, I’d definitely write
cause it’s the first thing that comes to mind when I want to achieve this.
In the simple case, where there aren't nested graphs involved,
popUpTo(C) { inclusive = true }
would indeed always be the same
But if nested graphs are involved: say, A and B are top level destinations, but C and D are in a nested graph Y to provide a scope for shared ViewModels), then they would be different since the graphs themselves are also part of the same back stack, so the before back stack would be:
Copy code
A -> B -> Y -> C
If you
, then you are also going to pop
off the back stack and destroy its state, giving you a brand new copy that gets auto-inserted when you navigate to
is part of Y's graph):
Copy code
A -> B -> Y' -> D
But if you
popUpTo(C) { inclusive = true }
, then
will not be popped and will keep its state:
Copy code
A -> B -> Y -> D
But generally anything being done inside `Y`'s destinations would likely only reference other destinations only in Y (e.g., maybe that whole graph is your login graph provided by a separate module entirely), so you wouldn't really ever consider reaching up all the way to
in any case - you'd use
popUpTo(Y) { inclusive = true }
to pop the entire graph off the back stack no matter if you are on C or D, for instance
And that's precisely why the
flag is there - because sometimes it makes more sense to say what you are popping up to but leaving behind and sometimes it makes more sense to say what exactly you are removing
Ah this makes a ton of sense! With all this context I think it makes a lot of sense not to do what I suggested above. Thanks a lot for this explanation!
that's a hell of a lesson, thanks