Do you have recommendation on how to architect `Me...
# compose-desktop
Do you have recommendation on how to architect
content, state & action (of the
) for different "screens"? Currently, I have a single desktop specific
class which is responsible to • provide
• create
application {}
• create main
composable • delegate main window content to a
composable The
then handles the navigation logic between "screens" (using #decompose library (but whatever?)) Depending on the navigation state machine, a proper
composable is chosen to display screen content. Each of these "screen" have its own
to drive logic and UI binding. Now, back to the menu topic. AFAIK, the menu must be managed within the
and thus currently in my main top level
. For general purpose menu items like preferences, it's fine but several items are contextual to the screen being displayed. I need to • decide if an item must be displayed or not • decide if the item is enabled or disabled • provide a business logic callback to call when item is clicked (most likely to a
entity) I'm not sure what would work well in this setup, ideally isolating desktop specific stuff like that outside main screens meant to be reusable at least on Android and maybe more later. If "duplicating" some boilerplate of "screens" would be needed to combine desktop feature and reusing code in other platforms, it's fine though.
Compose Multiplatform is a UI and state manager framework. Actions, that you want to add on the menu, - may be a part of the State of your application. State may contain all logic that you need to display on the top level of your application. If you navigate in application, the State may change and actions will change also.
Would it mean that I should model my menu content (an item with a label, a shortcut, an enabled state and an action callback mainly) and expose it as an observed state in my main app code, right? If so, this would mean to hoist this state into my screens and populate it from there while listening to my
state, right? Doing that would spread menu logic into reusable screen but it's not necessarily a problem, it wouldn't be coupled to desktop specific stuff if I use my own "menu item data model", only useless elsewhere (or reused another way). So basically I would have something like
Copy code
MyApp {
  val menuState = remember { mutableStateOf(MyMenuDataModel()) }

  Window {
    // interpret menuState/MyMenuDataModel as Menu and Item tree
    Menu {
      Item() {}


fun MyAppContent(menuState: MutableState<MyMenuDataModel>) {
  // depending on state machine, choose right screen composable

fun FooScreen(menuState: MutableState<MyMenuDataModel>) {
   val viewModel = ...
   val canDoSomething = viewModel.canDoSomething.collectAsState()

   menuState.update(MyMenuDataModel.FooScreen(..., canDoSomething, ...))

Is this something like that you were suggesting?
For example - it's a good first solution.
But there are a lot of permissions to downside hierarchy
I mean, the downside hierarchy may be bigger than only one FooScreen(menuState). You may want to continue use menuState in another parts.
And it's hard to control
Instead of using direct menuState, you can create menu state dynamically, based on the current Application state (Opened screens, selected settings, etc.).
For example, your application may have 2 separate screens: 1 - List of notes, 2 - Edit current note.
You know that on first screen you need actions to create new note
On second screen - you need actions to save or delete note
Copy code
data class AppState(val screen: Screen)
sealed interface Screen {
   object Notes: Screen
   object Edit: Screen
And menuItem may look as:
Copy code
val menuItems = listOf(Item("AlwaysMenuItem")) + when(state.screen) {
    is Notes -> listOf(Item("Add note"))
    is Edit -> listOf(Item("Save"), Item("Remove"))
And build your menu based on that calculated state
So, the main state is AppState that contains opened Screens, selected options, etc. Menu state is a derived state (or calculated state)
AppState in this sample should be located on the top of Composable hierarchy.
Yes, I think I get the idea
I'll follow up in that direction, sounds promising, I'll see where it goes more concretely and if it scales
It's only one of possible solutions. You can choose that you want.
I might also have to inject a "parent" menu "key" in my items so that I can aggregate several items from different sources (eg. "AlwaysMenuItem"'s parent and screen item in your example, for things like "Edit" or "File" top menus)
In terms of "injection", do you have an opinion which is the best suited to this use case: • inject the state in each nested composable requiring it • make it accessible globally with
-like things
I think it is better to: inject the state in each nested composable requiring it