For a `expect interface xxx` declaration, I wish i...
# multiplatform
For a
expect interface xxx
declaration, I wish it would be allowed to have the implementation as
actual typealias xxx = yyy
, with
being an (abstract) class. Any good reason why this isn’t allowed? My use case is for example
, which is an abstract class in Kotlin/JS but an interface in Kotlin/JVM. I didn’t find an aesthetical way to bridge the two.
Because Kotlin (and JS) doesn't have multiple inheritance, a class implementing the expect interface wouldn't be able to inherit from another class as well as the actual abstract class.
Suppress the error. It'll work fine.
It's either ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT or something else. You basically search part of the error message in the Kotlin repo to find the key to suppress
That's good to know. I've run into problem with abstract vs open a lot.
Yeah I get it when using value classes in one actual but not the other, or typealiasing to a typealias. There's a lot of things that don't work but actually do when you suppress
Many many thanks for the tip: using @Suppress(“ACTUAL_WITHOUT_EXPECT”) did the trick. Amazing that one can trick Kotlin into supporting multiple inheritance 🙂
Well, it'd only be multiple inheritance if the class that implemented the expect interface also inherited from another class, in which case in Kotlin/JS it would be inheriting the actual typealias abstract class as well. As long as you're not inheriting anything else it's fine.