New Kotlin Multiplatform libraries just dropped :e...
# multiplatform
New Kotlin Multiplatform libraries just dropped 👀
👍 5
❤️ 3
👏 3
🔥 5
Out of curiosity, why is there a version compatibility chart? It doesn’t look like it uses a compiler plugin, which is where most compiler version dependencies come from.
Always hated having to pull in huge crypto libraries for 1 or 2 features. This is especially horrible for Kotlin/Native. libraries are very small, modularized components, like the RustCrypto organization. Will be building it out over time, but any help or support is much welcomed!!!
I should update that terminology, huh?
Also, glad to see AndroidNative is supported. It’s sadly often left out.
IKR??? I'd love to have more libs support it.
Are you looking to eventually add support for the Secure Enclave APIs on mobile platforms? I’ve done a little bit of work related to that.
No I am not at this time.
Agree that would be a useful addition to the great work already here 🙂 Perhaps an exercise for the community...
Thanks for this @Matt Nelson! My lates project with KMP is extending into the cryptography space; so will be looking for opportunities to work with this.