Has anyone tried to use mongodb with kmm? Is there...
# multiplatform
Has anyone tried to use mongodb with kmm? Is there any kotlin driver for mongodb (for database not realm)?
KMongo is JVM-only. The author has started working on an official MongoDB driver for Kotlin, but there have been no announcements or clarifications on what it will do exactly. So the answer is: right now, there's no KMM driver for MongoDB.
Is this what you’re looking for? https://github.com/mpetuska/monko
Oh, thanks for the link I'll keep on eye on it!
Looks like it hasn’t been updated in a bit.
Or maybe it has but the changes didn't persist
😂 2
That's a MongoDB joke
the author is here @Big Chungus , maybe it hasn’t any new bug
Monko is unfortunately on hold for now until I'm done with kamp rework (as monko is a prerequisite to phase 2 of the rework)
It is NOT ready for use. The only thing that works reliably now is runCommand api (which can be used to execute all other mongo operations)