Is there a way to bypass KotlinX CLI? Every time a...
# compiler
Is there a way to bypass KotlinX CLI? Every time an attempt is made to generate a static library file using
kotlinc-native -nostdlib -p static -target rp2040 src
the following error appears:
Copy code
warning: skipping /home/napperley/repos/kotlin/kotlin-native/dist/klib/common/org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kotlinx-cli. The target doesn't match. Expected 'rp2040', found [linux_x64]
error: could not find "/home/napperley/repos/kotlin/kotlin-native/dist/klib/common/org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kotlinx-cli" in [/home/napperley/vscode_projects/rp2040_hello, /home/napperley/.konan/klib, /home/napperley/repos/kotlin/kotlin-native/dist/klib/common, /home/napperley/repos/kotlin/kotlin-native/dist/klib/platform/rp2040]
it’s a warning, not an error. What problems does it cause? my mistake, I see the error Do you know what is requesting kotlinx-cli?
Found a solution that bypasses the KotlinX CLI requirement. Arguments can be passed to the Kotlin Native compiler. One of these arguments is
which causes the compiler to not include endorsed libraries (non core Kotlin libraries incl KotlinX CLI) with a Kotlin program, Shared library, Static library, or anything else that the compiler can produce.