Does anyone have issues where if they use generate...
# apollo-kotlin
Does anyone have issues where if they use generated Apollo classes (e.g. Enums from the schema) in unit tests you have to do a project clean between each test run or the tests fail to compile saying that the generated types used in the test don’t exist on the classpath (despite having just previously run without issue)? Trying to determine if it’s a generation issue, or something to do with Gradle or IntelliJ. Seems strange since the production code (plus generated code) hasn’t changed from run to run, only the test code.
This reminds me of #4669
Thanks I'll take a look. It's the sort of issue where it's hard to even start searching because of the ways it could manifest or be phrased
with a workaround that you may try
yeah I can imagine! Plus I remember it was kind of flaky, the issue wasn't happening all the time (if it's indeed the same issue)
From an initial read it's sounding exactly like my issue. I'll try the workaround and see