Is there no grid-like layout which also lets you d...
# compose
Is there no grid-like layout which also lets you define the spacings between the items laid out in the grid? LazyVerticalGrid doesn’t seem to provide any such configuration.
Aha! Gotta use the spacings, it did not cross my mind, thanks a lot! With that said, a side-question, there’s only a lazy grid there, now I want to show like 8 items, which means having it be lazy is a waste, there isn’t any such configuration I suppose right?
Not at the moment, but I don’t know if it’s a huge waste. I think it matters more if you find that the lazy composition is not ideal versus composition of all 8 at the same time
Actually a more important thing here. I am in this case where I can a simple column which you can scroll but usually is at most 1.5x the screen’s height. Inside it, I want one of the items to be a grid-like layout. I used LazyVerticalGrid and I obviously get the crash of having a scrollable in a scrollable item. This would also be fixed with a simple grid layout which is not lazy and does not force scrolling. For now I will fallback to a custom simple Layout() which lays out the items in this grid pattern unfortunately 🤷‍♂️ And wrapping the entire thing in this grid layout (as suggested here) but giving it full-span for the non-grid items isn’t really smth I wanna do, as the grid is a small part of the screen, not the emphasis, plus I’d then need to be careful of what span I give to all the other items, especially if I go with adaptive GridCells instead of with a fixed number.
True, though the lazy loading is helpful in the future when you need it
I’d then need to be careful of what span I give to all the other items
Just a reminder that you can use
span = { GridItemSpan(maxLineSpan) }
so that you don't need to pass the actual number.
Another issue with this. This grid with usually 8 thin items (56.dp height each, therefore usually takes up only 224 dp height + paddings so making it scrollable really isn’t important) is somewhat part of the design system, meaning that I’ll be reusing it in a bunch of screens, so I’ve extracted it in a function in a module. If this were to be used only there I’d have to make this an extension on
and then wherever I might need to add it would need to convert entire screens to also be lazy grids. I really feel like it would be very justified for this layout to exist in a non-lazy form. It’s like saying that Column could also not exist and one could simply use the lazy version instead. A non lazy, non automatically scrolling version of the grid layout imo really has its place in compose foundation. But with all that said, thanks a lot for helping me through this, for now I’ll simply go with a Layout which I’ll try not to mess up and will keep an eye out on if this layout is ever going to exist for compose.
I think this could exist at some point, but given the non-lazy nature, it’s likely not the highest priority given one can make this relatively quickly with rows/columns or like your custom layout