I can't understand why I am getting this error &gt...
# serialization
I can't understand why I am getting this error
io.ktor.client.call.NoTransformationFoundException: No transformation found: class io.ktor.utils.io.ByteBufferChannel (Kotlin reflection is not available) -> interface java.util.List (Kotlin reflection is not available)
Here is the JSON with information redacted
Copy code
    "item": "*Redacted*",
    "description": "*Redacted*",
    "style_code": "",
    "job_number": "*Redacted*",
    "job_quantity": "*Redacted Number*",
    "pcs_hour": "*Redacted Number*",
    "start_date": "2022-10-05 07:30:00.000",
    "due_date": "2022-10-06 00:00:00.000",
    "wo_num": "*Redacted*",
    "wo_line": "*Redacted*",
    "bom": [
        "comp_item": "*Redacted*",
        "comp_qty": "*Redacted Number*",
        "comp_uom": "LB",
        "operation": "10",
        "type": "*Redacted*"
        "comp_item": "*Redacted*",
        "comp_qty": "1.000000",
        "comp_uom": "EA",
        "operation": "10",
        "type": "*Redacted*"
        "comp_item": "*Redacted*",
        "comp_qty": "1.000000",
        "comp_uom": "EA",
        "operation": "10",
        "type": "*Redacted*"
and here is the DataClass
Copy code
data class Job (
    val item: String = "",
    val description: String = "",
    val styleCode: String = "",
    val jobNumber: Int = 0,
    val machine: String = "",
    val jobQuantity: Int = 0,
    val pcsHour: Double = 0.0,
    val startDate: String = "",
    val dueDate: String = "",
    val woNum: String = "",
    val woLine: String = "",
    val machineState: Int = 0,
    val machineStateTimestamp: String = "",
    val firstFiveGood: Int = 0,
    val productionQuantity: Int = 0,
    val scrapQuantity: Int = 0,
    val additional: AdditionalInformation = AdditionalInformation(),
    val bom: List<BOM> = emptyList()
) {
    val bomMutable: MutableList<BOM> = bom.toMutableList()

data class BOM(
    val compItem: String = "",
    val compQty: String = "",
    val compUom: String = "",
    val operation: String = "",
    val type: String = ""
and here is the code that get the data for the api
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                headers {
                    append("apiKey", apiKey)
Can any one help me out here?
This is how I declare my client
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private val client = HttpClient(Android) {
        expectSuccess = true

        install(Logging) {
            level = LogLevel.ALL

        install(ContentNegotiation) {
            json(Json {
                ignoreUnknownKeys = true
                isLenient = true
                encodeDefaults = false

        install(HttpTimeout) {
            requestTimeoutMillis = 15000L
            connectTimeoutMillis = 15000L
            socketTimeoutMillis = 15000L

        defaultRequest {
For now I can get around it by retrieving the body as a string then manually decoding it
Copy code
val response: String = client.get(GroovRoutes.GET_JOBS) {
    headers {
        append("apiKey", apiKey)
