Hey, Are there any snapshot built for <https://git...
# compose-desktop
Hey, Are there any snapshot built for https://github.com/JetBrains/jewel or i should just build the jar and use it directly. I wanted to give it a try in the plugin i am building.
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tl;dr it's not ready to use it, it's in very early stages of development
Very interesting! ๐Ÿ‘ Eager to use that ASAP ๐Ÿ˜›
Would you imagine providing a JetBrains icon set like Material extended?
Maybe. In Intellij you already have them through AllIcons, but this could be interesting for standalone apps
Would love it ๐Ÿคฉ
Nothing is stopping anyone from contributing it to Jewel ๐Ÿ˜œ
Maybe a roadmap of what you want to see in Jewel for first release would help for people to see what they can contribute.
We haven't a firm one yet - we're working on scoping and prioritizing. It's a part time project for everyone involved for now so things move slowly. The very high level one is: 1. Fix all outstanding bugs in CfD/Skiko that we consider blockers (e.g., font loading in Skiko, some Swing interop woes, etc) โ€” we're already on this, at least on filing those issues 2. Implement a library of basic components that can display both old and new UI themes correctly (which ones is TBD depending on prioritisation, beyond the obvious buttons/labels/text fields, etc) โ€” some work is already underway courtesy of @HIGAN, with even more to come once the New UI specs will be published I suppose 3. Have a bridge between the Swing LaF and the Jewel theme so when you're running in a plugin, the Compose UI blends in with the rest of the Swing UI โ€” we had a prototype but we need to flesh it out 4. Refactor the code to look more consistent with itself and with the best practices as adopted in other themes such as Material We need to find more folks willing to use and contribute to the library, because we're struggling to push it forward due to our "main work" taking priority in the past month or two
Thanks, I'm looking forward to contributing to Jewel. I think, it might be best to rely on JavaSwing for building plugins as of now!